If diabetics do not pay any attention to their disease, various complications can set in.

One of them is trouble with the kidneys (Nephropathy). Kidneys are, as you know, important internal organs which excrete the waste products in the blood, into urine. When the kidneys do not work at all, unnecessary substance is stored up in the blood, and that causes uremia.

When we suffer from uremia, we will be in a very dangerous condition and the remedy called 'HEMO DYALYSIS' is required. With the help of machines, they can take away those needless substance or noxious substances in the blood.

The number of the diabetics who use this remedy, because of trouble with the kidneys, has been increasing in the world; In America, in 1984, 24.5% of new patients of Hemo Dyalysis are diabetics.
In Japan, in1987, 22.1% of new patients of it are diabetics. The number of it has been double for 10 years.

Well, how does the trouble with the kidneys get worse?

First, a small amount of protein(a very small amount of Albumin)gets into the urine. The amount of it is so minute that we cannot detect it by ordinaly uric paper(which we put in the urine to see if there is any sugar or protein present)
In time, more protein can be seen. The amount of it can sometimes be shown as positive on ordinary uric paper.
After that the positive sign can always be seen, whenever we examine. (Continuous Proteinuria)
Furthermore, the activity of the kidneys themselves becomes worse and the waste products start to pile up in the blood. However we cannot see any symptoms.
When too much protein excretes into the urine, the quantity of protein in the blood decreases, and sometimes the body swells. Then the waste are left over, the situation becomes very dangerous. The patient need to get Hemo Dyalysis.

So when these symptoms are revealed, you recognize the fact that probably have kidnet trouble.
In order to prevent kidney trouble or to stop it progressing, we need to control the blood sugar level regularly.
At the same time, in order to maintain the condition of the kidneys, it is said that controlling the blood pressure level is also important, besides the control of the blood sugar level.

Depending on the degree of trouble with the kidneys, the content of the patient's food is controlled, as sometimes their exercise and daily life is limitted.
It is important for patients not to do everything by their own judgement, but to follow the direction of their chief doctor.